mn original

June 28th, 2010

I recently had the opportunity to be featured in the Twin Cities Public Television series MN Original. This is a preview of my feature which will air later this summer. Check out the MN Original website for more info on the series.


juxtapoz #114

June 28th, 2010

This month I have a feature in Juxtapoz magazine, here are a few shots from the piece. Issue #114 available on newstands now, or order online here.


Video on

June 24th, 2010

Earlier this month stopped by my new show ‘Sleepwalking’, currently on view at White Walls through July 3rd, and put together this short video preview. A few photos from their visit below, more info from here.


‘sleepwalking’ photos

June 17th, 2010

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the opening of ‘Sleepwalking’ at White Walls this past Saturday in San Francisco. For those who couldn’t make it out, here are a few photos of the show.


‘looking east’ at yves laroche

June 7th, 2010

Opening Wednesday night at Yves Laroche in Montreal. More info here.


Sleepwalking at White Walls

June 4th, 2010

Here are a few preview images of some of the work which will be included in my upcoming solo show, ‘Sleepwalking’, opening next Saturday, June 12th at White Walls in San Francisco. More info on the show here.
